
For best result use this example

To get the best results and make the menu visible, use this example and keep the given dimensions. All file widths should be the same size (1200 px recommended). You can change the menu design, but our advice would be not to change the dimensions.

Note that all parts will be connected automatically after upload.
Before uploading files, name the files in their order. (01. 02. 03. 04 ….)

Part 1


In the header you can place your logo, and the company slogan.

recommended image width 1200 px

Part 2

Product list

Here you can add product listings by rating, as well as add or change colors, add design elements for more beauty.

Recommended image width some size.

Part 3

Product list

Here you can add product listings by rating, as well as add or change colors, add design elements for more beauty. Here you can add product listings by rating, as well as add or change colors, add design elements for more beauty. You can also add more information.

Recommended image width some size.